How to use


Name: AnaxagorasTitle: Wizard Class: Magic-UserLevel: 13Hit Points: 39 Armor Class: 4
Alignment: LawfulXP: 910001Sex: Male Age: 62Height: 5'6"Weight: 194#
STR: 13To Hit: 1To Dam: 1 Open Doors: 1
DEX: 5AC Mod: 2Initiative: -1Missile Adj: -2
CON: 16HP Adj: 2
INT: 13Add Langs: 1Able to read and write
WIS: 11 Save vs. Magic: 0
CHA: 15Reaction Adj: -1 Retainers: 5Retainer Morale: 8
Breath AttacksPoison or DeathPetrify or ParalyzeWandsSpells or Spell-like Devices
Other Abilities: Jeweler/lapidary
Languages: Common, Lawful, Nixie
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9
Lvl 1: Charm Person, Floating Disc, Shield, Ventriloquism
Lvl 2: Arcane Lock, ESP, Levitate, Mirror Image
Lvl 3: Dispel Magic, Haste, Hold Person, Infravision
Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Polymorph Self
Lvl 5: Hold Monster, Magic Jar, Teleport
Lvl 6: Control Weather, Part Water
Lvl 7: Reverse Gravity
Weapon: Dagger
Armor: Bracers (AC 4)
Other Magic:
  • Magic Dagger +2
  • Ring of Protection +2
  • Potions
    • Diminution - russet, translucent, bubbling, tart
    • Polymorph Self - mahogany, layered, viscous, lemony
  • Scrolls
    • Glass Like Steel
  • Miscellaneous
    • Bag of holding (500 pound capacity)
  • Wolfsbane
  • 10' Chain
  • Garlic
  • Crowbar
  • Rations
  • Spell Book
  • Paper
General Appearance: Ragged
Sanity: Unstable
Tendencies: Studious
Personality: Extrovert - Antagonistic
Disposition: Even Tempered
Nature: Vengeful
Honesty: Average
Energy: Energetic
Morals: Normal
Intellect: Anti-intellectual
Materialism: Greedy
Bravery: Brave
Thrift: Average
Piety: Impious
Interests: Exotic Animals
You are the illegitimate but acknowledged child of a Townsman. You are a credit to the family. You have brown eyes, straight black hair, and an average complexion.

Thanks to Age of Fable for random names.

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